The James 1:27 Fund

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27, NLT

Everyday Mission has established a "giving bucket" called the James 1:27 Fund. The purpose of this fund is to provide direct support to widows, orphans, victims of domestic abuse, or other immediate financial needs that arise within our network. Instead of using high-fee online fundraising mechanisms, all mission and microchurch leaders can request access to this fund and 100% of donations will go to that need during a specific fundraising period.

An initial need has just happened which is summarized below. Here's a direct link to the fund - CLICK HERE TO DONATE. All donations through 8/7/24 to this fund will go to this need.

Alex and Family

Leaders within the EDM network became aware of an urgent situation and said "yes" to be the hands and feet of Jesus. There was a mom, Alexandra (Alex), and children in a domestic abuse situation. One of our leaders, Jen, knew Alex's mom, Donna. She is a family friend. Donna had prayed over her daughter's situation for years. Donna had moved out of state, so she called Jen when she got word that Alex was ready to be free. Other EDM families also stepped up to help. Melody generously opened her home to Alex and her children, Noah and Lilly, for the month of July. Melody has great knowledge and understanding to help families in situations like this. Mary stepped up to provide support, watching the kids on several occasions while Jen and Alex went to the courthouse to see Victim Services and secure a restraining order. It's been beautiful to see the body of Christ function together to help this family. Like it says in Psalms 68:6, "he puts the lonely in families." The first time any of these leaders met Alex was the day of her escape.

This sweet family needs prayer for heart healing. They also need material support. Alex, Noah, and Lilly left with just a few bags of clothes. Alex is working, but they don't have enough resources to start over. We are asking for funds to help Melody with groceries for the family, and to help secure a place for them to live permanently, as they will need to provide first, last, and security. The family is also in need of a vehicle and trauma informed counseling.

Please pray about how you can help. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

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