Microchurch, Not Mini-Church

A few years ago, my wife and I were invited to attend a local house church. It met, predictably, on Sunday morning at a modest home. A simple breakfast was served and adults mingled with coffee in hand, munching on pastries while kids played in the backyard. It was cool.

Then the service started.

Someone encouraged folks to find a seat on the couch or on chairs scattered around the living room. Another person prayed. There was worship with four or five songs streamed on YouTube. A message was given by the host, who clearly was the pastor. A brief discussion ensued. A few people, mostly men, had things to say. A call was given at the end to anyone needing prayer. Then, it was over.

About half the people said their goodbyes and left. Some of the kids went back to playing in the backyard. The other adults mingled over cold coffee and leftover pastries.
On the ride home I asked my wife what she thought.

She responded, “It was like a church service in miniature.”

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